
Nigerian Recipe Search App

This app serves as a repository for my tested and trusted Nigerian dishes. Built with ReactJS and using React Router for navigation. Data is stored using local JSON file and is fetched using a JS mapping function. App grid layout was achieve using Bootstrap and responsiveness on smaller screens is achieved using CSS media queries.

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Face Detector App

A face detector app for detecting a single face in a picture. Front End of app built using ReactJS while Back End was built using NodeJS. Data stored persistently using PostgreSQL and all app tiers deployed on Heroku.
App uses "Clarifai Predict API (Face Detector)" and custom CSS to return a bounded box on area with the highest probability of containing a human face.

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Trizech Website

WordPress website design for oil and gas client. Site was designed using WordPress theme with customizations made to code templates. Images optimized for quick loading and plugins used for API integration and extended functionalities.

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Front End Projects